Ron P. Jaffe, Professional Photographer

Ron Jaffe & David McCallum on set of NCIS,
by Larry Humburger
Ron Jaffe has traveled to more than 39 countries and islands around the world, acquiring 34 years of professional experience as a photographer. From fashion and glamour to Hollywood celebrities, high-profile corporate and political figures, from the plains of Calgary, the southern tip of South America to the deserts of North Africa. Ron is comfortable working with everyone from local tribesmen to families to executives and presidents alike.

Ron negotiating with local tribes at watering hole near Tamanrasset, Algerian Sahara desert
Most of Ron’s time now is devoted to publicity stills for film and television. Listings of the production companies and Networks in client section. His professionalism is evident from the numerous known actors and public personalities listed and prides himself on being totally approachable. Nuances of light and shadow are his keys to successful photographs even in the most extreme circumstances and locations. Communication with his subjects is his real speciality . His photographic capture of an actor’s craft, a politician’s stance or an explosive moment…. is his testimonial.

Ron shooting President and Betty Ford, President Nixon, Dr. Henry Kissinger @ Nixon Library, by Steve Salisian
Fort de 34 ans d’expérience professionnelle en tant que photographe, Ron Jaffe a voyagé dans plus de 39 pays et 45 îles du monde entier. De la mode et du glamour des stars d’ Hollywood aux hommes d’affaires et plus grands hommes politiques du monde, des plaines de Calgary aux déserts d’Afrique du Nord Ron est un photographe de contrastes.
Photographe de tournages sur des productions de cinéma et de télévision (*), les nuances de lumière et d’ombre sont les clés de ses photographies dans les circonstances et les lieux les plus extrêmes. La communication avec ses sujets est son véritable atout. Son professionnalisme, sa gentillesse sa totale accessibilité font de lui un photographe rare et de grand talent.
Credits Include:

Navigating the Niger River, North Africa, with guides
Partial Listing Photo’d: Dale Robertson, Chuck Connors, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, Cote De Pablo, David Mccallum, Pauley Perrette, Jon Hamm, Elisabeth Moss, John Slattery, Jessica Pare’, Embeth Davidtz, Julia Ormand, Perrey Reeves, Stanna Katic, Nathan Fillion, Molly Quinn, Stevie Ryan, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel, Josh Radnor, Alyson Hannigan, Cobie Smulders, Kai Penn, Patrick Warburton, Megyn Price, Oliver Hudson, Bianca Kajlich, Adhir Kalyan, Wendi Mclendon-Covey, Keifer Sutherland, David Mazouz, Chris O’donnell, Todd Smith (LL Cool J), Linda Hunt, Daniela Ruah, Eric Christian Olsen, Ray Liota, William H Macy, Virginia Madsen, Simon Baker, Linda Hunt, David Caruso, William Peterson, Marg Helgenberger, Rob Morrow, Mandy Pitempkin, Mary J Blige, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sharon Stone,Tom Cruise, Katie Couric, Dennis Miller, Tom Hanks,

Ron Jaffe Sailing – Photo by Steve Runningen
Julia Louise Dreyfus, Elton John, Kevin Bacon, Allan Alda, Kate Bosworth, Kim Cattrall, Kelsey Grammer, Emma Thompson, Jeff Corwin, John Larroquette, Holly Hunter, Loni Andersonjason Alexander, Jon Lovitz, Rebecca Romjin, John Stamos, Lisa Leslie, Jeff Goldblum, Robert L’obetta(Sebastian), Melissa George, Jack Nicholson, Peter Falk, Shelly Hack, Tommy Lee, Joe Montanga, Adam Baldwin, Martin Short, Diane Lane, Kevin Dobson, Rick Dees, Shari Belafonte, Jeri Ryan, Patrick Kilpatrick, Stephen Baldwin, Emily Lloyd, Meatloaf, Chazz Palminteri, Tim Allen, Tim Conway, Chris Sarandon, Gary Marshal, Maureen O’boyle, William Baldwin, Lee Majors, Vincent Castellanos, Naomi Campbell, Tony Potts, Shaun Robinson, Gov. Jesse Ventura, Keifer Sutherland, Melanie Griffith, Tom Selleck, Don Johnson, Matt Le Blanc, Jennifer Aniston, Jerry Springer, Michael Madsen, Robert Downey Jr, Calista Flockhart, John Wells, Winona Ryder, Kathleen Turner, Chris Wylde. Congressman J.C. Watts, James Cromwell, Timothy Bottoms, Chuck Norris, Flex Alexander, Taye Diggs, Mindy Sterling, Dennis Miller, Rob Lowe, Matthew Perry, Lisa Kudrow, James Woods, Lenny Kravitz, Cold Play, Gavin Degraw, Slash, Velvet Revolver, Maroon 5, One Republic, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Theona Lewis, Morena Baccarin, Rober Downey Jr., Sasha Alexander, Tim Blake Nelson, Eric Close, Rosyln Sanchez, Jennifer Lopez, Matthew Perry, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Lablanc, Jennifer Anniston, Brad Pitt, Marylou Henner, Josh Duhamel, Dean Winters, Jimmy Kimmel, Jeff Foxworthy, President George H. Bush, President Richard Nixon, President Ronald Reagen, President Gerald Ford, President Bill Clinton, Yitzak Shamir, Vitautis Landsbergis, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Charles Coulson, G. Gordon Liddy, David And Julie Eisenhower, Tipper Gore ….And More….